
The Copywriter's Toolkit

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The Copywriter's Toolkit


Easy to understand, packed with direct info, and deeper understanding of the everyday "tips, hacks, and tricks" of writing copy.

What's inside?

  • How to use (what you know and the purpose of tools)

  • Tool 1: The First Sentence

  • Tool 2: The Visual

  • Tool 3: Features & Benefits

  • Tool 4: The Buying Environment

  • Tool 5: Storytelling

  • Tool 6: The Yes Vibes

  • Tool 7: Curiousity

  • Tool 8: Emotion

  • A Final Note

What will you experience?

  1. You understand exactly how to write your headline

  2. You know which style works for your copy

  3. You can see clearly, how these tools impact your copy to get the sale

  4. You understand how to get your customer to keep reading

What people are saying?
"Thank you for creating this copywriter toolkit e-book. I've understood a lot."
- Zakwan Z.

"I can say that this toolkit is really helpful especially during my editing process. Just like the author said, there is no one-size-fits-all. I really recommended this e-book for those who started writing 1 post a day like me."
- Lutfil H.

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9.95 MB
20 pages
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